Episode 310: Dark Days

Regardless of where you are from in the north, the difference feels severe between the summer solstice, when our planet is tipped towards the sun like a gentleman bowing to a dignitary, and the winter solstice, when our planet seems to be leaning away from the light like a vampire at dawn.

Episode 254: Phenology Scavenger Hunt

The exciting and obvious seasonal changes of late summer and early fall appear at first glance to be at a standstill. No more obvious flocks of birds moving south, lingering wildflowers or pollinators, sunshine that warms bare skin. But there are always signs of the continuous cycle of nature out there.

Episode 237: Clouds

Thunderstorms come from cumulonimbus clouds, which are the giants of the cloud world. They are the only cloud that extends through all three cloud levels.

Episode 224: Spring Molt

Sometimes the transition from winter to summer can look decidedly awkward—just ask our neighboring deer, moose, foxes, and coyotes who are look ragged as ever right now as they shift from their dense winter coats to their summer coats.

Episode 221: Hibernators Waking Up

Regardless of what the alarm clock says indoors, that internal clock on hibernators is buzzing now too. If you think waking up to the alarm after the clocks spring ahead is hard, it is much more challenging to wake up after a few months of slumber.

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